DFA Kali Levels 7, 8 & 9

Advanced Training
for 2nd level Instructor

Wrist Locks and Applications

Hook/Haymaker Attacks

Jab/Cross Attacks

Empty Hand vs Knife

Knife vs Knife


Firearm Disarms

This course contains 128 video lessons and over 7 hours of Training

This course is especially useful for those of you who are instructors of other styles and want to add Knife Fighting and Defense to your school curriculum

The course teaches the following:

DFA Kali Level 7
Wrist Lock Flow and Applications

Hook/Haymaker Counter - Street Applications

Jab/Cross Counter - Street Applications

Attacking Angles




Angle #8 Disarms




DFA Kali Level 8
Wrist Lock Flow and Applications

Counters Against a Hook Punch

Counters for Jab, Cross, Hook Attacks

Knife Basics

Knife Basics - Solo Training

Angle #5 Knife Attack & Counter

Stalemate with the Blade

DFA Kali Level 9 (final level for certification)
Neck Cranks

Double Hook Attack

Basics of the Karambit

Blocking - With and Without the Blade

Footwork for the Karambit

Drill for Using the Karambit

Firearm Disarms

"If you want to learn to fight go somewhere else.....If you want to learn to survive, join us." 

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Level 7 - Overview

    • Overview of this course

  • 2

    Wrist Lock Flow and Applications - Level 7

    • Lock #1 - Wrist Flex

    • Lock #2 - Two Finger Wrist Bind

    • Lock #3 - Upward Wrist Twist

    • Lock #4 - Come Along

    • Lock #5 - Reverse Come Along

    • Lock #6 - Finger Locks

    • Complete Flow 1 - 6

    • Quiz #1

  • 3

    Jab/Cross Counters - Street Application - Level 7

    • Jab/Cross Counter #1

    • Jab/Cross Counter #2

    • Jab/Cross Counter #3

    • Jab/Cross Counter #4

    • Jab/Cross Counter #5

    • Jab/Cross Counter #6

  • 4

    Hook or Haymaker Counters - Street Applications - Level 7

    • Hook Counter #1

    • Hook Counter #2

    • Hook Counter #3

    • Hook Counter #4

    • Hook Counter #5

    • Hook Counter #6

    • Hook Counter #7

  • 5

    Knife Attacking Angles - Level 7

    • Nine Attacking Angles

  • 6

    Knife Footwork - Level 7

    • Forward Angle

    • Reverse Angle

    • Six-point Stepping

    • Full Triangle Stepping

    • Quiz #1

  • 7

    Knife Evasion - Level 7

    • Evading the Blade with Linear Stepping

    • Evading the Blade with Angular Stepping

  • 8

    Knife Blocking

    • Blocking - Cross Body

    • Taking a Closer look at the Angle #5 Attack

    • Grabbing & Controlling

    • Arm Wrenching

    • Three count Blocking - Eye Jab

    • Putting it all Together

    • Quiz #2

  • 9

    Knife - Angle #8 Drill (vertical strike) - Level 7

    • Angle 8 Attack - Drill #1

    • Angle 8 Attack - Drill #2

    • Angle 8 Attack - Drill #3

    • Angle 8 Attack - Drill #4

    • Angle #8 Attack - Drill #5

  • 10

    Knife Disarms

    • Disarms against the Forward Grip

    • Disarms against the Reverse Grip

    • Quiz #3

  • 11

    Knife Drills - Level 7

    • Palasut (to scoop) #1

    • Pendulum Drill #1 (Cross Body Block)

    • Pendulum Drill #2 (Add Eye Jab)

    • HuBud with Knife - part 1

    • Quiz #4

  • 12

    Street Hold-up Scenarios

    • Street Hold up - Scenario #1

    • Street Hold up - Scenario #2

  • 13


    • Curriculum for Level 7

  • 14

    Joint Locks - Wrist - Level 8

    • Lock3_OutsideGrabHandUp

    • Lock4_InsideGrabHandUp

    • Lock2_InsideGrab

    • Lock1_OutsideGrab

  • 15

    Hook Punch Counters - Level 8

    • HookCounter_5

    • HookCounter_3

    • HookCounter_4

    • HookCounter_1

    • HookCounter_2

    • HookCounter_11

    • HookCounter_10

    • HookCounter_9

    • HookCounter_7

    • HookCounter_8

    • HookCounter_6

  • 16

    Jab, Cross, Hook Counters

    • JCHDrill_3

    • JCHDrill_4

    • JCHDrill_7

    • JCHDrill_1

    • JCHDrill_2

    • JCHDrill_5

    • JCHDrill_8

    • JCHDrill_6

  • 17

    Knife Basics-Strikes and Blocks - Level 8

    • BlocksSameSide

    • BlockSetOf3

    • Drill_1counterStrikePattern

    • RapidBlocking1

    • BlocksReverseGrip

    • Blocks

    • RapidBlocking2

    • TuellerDrill

    • CloseEyes

    • Nine Striking Angles

  • 18

    Knfe Basics-Solo Training - Level 8

    • 4DirectionStep

    • DiamondFootwork

    • SoloKnifeDrill_2

    • SoloKnifeDrill_4

    • SoloKnifeDrill_1

    • SoloKnifeDrillCircle_7

    • SoloKnifeDrill_5

    • SoloKnifeDrillCircle_8

    • SoloKnifeDrill_6

    • SoloKnifeDrill_3

  • 19

    Basic Block & Counter for #5 Attack (straight thrust) - Level 8

    • Basic5_5

    • Basic5_1

    • Basic5_3

    • Basic5_4

    • Basic5_2

  • 20

    Angle #5 Knife Attack and Counter - Level 8

    • No5Drill_5

    • No5Drill_3

    • No5Drill_2

    • No5Drill_1

    • No5Drill_4

  • 21

    Stalemate with the Blade - Level 8

    • Stalemate_4

    • Stalemate_1

    • Stalemate_3

    • Stalemate_5

    • Stalemate_2

  • 22


    • Curriculum for Level 8

  • 23

    Level 9 Overview

    • DFA Kali Level 9 Overview

  • 24

    Neck Cranks

    • NeckCranks_3

    • NeckCranks_1

    • NeckCranks_1variation

    • NeckCranks_4

    • NeckCranks

  • 25

    Double Hook Attack

    • Drill_4

    • Drill_6

    • Drill_3

    • Drill_7

    • Drill_1

    • Drill_5

    • Drill_2

  • 26

    Basics of the Karambit - Level 9

    • IntroKarambit

    • ReBoundEffect

    • PassScoop

    • Grips

    • Angles1_9

    • TargetAreas

    • OpeningBlade

  • 27

    Blocking-with and without the Blade - Level 9

    • BlocksMiddleRange1

    • BlocksLongRange

  • 28

    Footwork for the Karambit - Level 9

    • The Fake

  • 29

    Drills for using the Karambit

    • Entries

    • 2countDrills

  • 30

    Firearm Disarms

    • Disarm_6TwoHand

    • Disarm_3

    • Disarm_5Gangster

    • Disarm_4Behind

    • GunThoughts

    • Disarm_2

    • Disarm_1

  • 31


    • Curriculum for Level 9



David Seiwert

David Seiwert has been studying, teaching and training in a wide range of martial arts from Japan, Korea, China, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines since he was 12 years old.
He is currently retired from the engineering field and regularly travels to Southeast Asia to further increase his knowledge and understanding of these indigenous arts. 
When not traveling he spends his time teaching, giving seminars, writing books and producing videos about the fighting systems of these regions. For more information or training material on the martial arts, Mr. Seiwert can be contacted at: www.DynamicFightingArt.com
"If you want to learn to fight go somewhere else.....If you want to learn to survive, join us."